Sebastien Duattis is a professionnel filmmaker, writer and a doctor of sociology. He is literally obsessed with cinema, which he considers a unique way to think and observe the world. He has learned the basics of film making on his own, watching movies everyday since childhood and making endless researches about the technique and magic of cinematography.
He directed in 2023 his first professionnal short film, « Any Old Sunday », that was selected 44 times around the world and screened during the 76th Cannes film festival.
He is currently developping new short film "Comptoir des habitudes" and "Monologue d'un mime". He is also writting his first feature film.
Sebastien writes dark comedies depecting characters who have to face social and philosophical conflicts. He makes and edits deep, contrasted images from a musical point of view, inspired by Orson Welles famous words:
"Movies depend so much on rythm. They are so close to music"
Sebastien is also musician and directs music video and live sessions
along with many French artists.
He admires filmmakers from many backgrounds, such as
Stanley Kubrick,
Sacha Guitry, Wim Wenders, Sydney Lumet,
Joel et Ethan Coen, Justine Triet,
Ruben Oslund, Albert Dupontel, Yasujiro Ozu,
Charles Chaplin, Bertrand Blier,
Quentin Tarantino, Sofia Coppola,
Orson Welles.